Get involved in our research

By supporting our faculty’s research projects, you contribute to the forecast of tomorrow’s challenges and to the enrichment of our knowledge and expertise, consolidating our rank as the 2nd French school in management research.

Research chairs

A management research chair is a research and/or educational multi-year programme (customarily three years), seeking to shed light on a practical theme in line with specific business and social challenges faced by our society and its social and economic organisations.

Funding relies on one or several patrons.

A research chair stimulates synergies between partner businesses and teacher-researchers, and allows to:

  • Get involved in educational and academic projects, and create interactions between partners to build knowledge communities;
  • Benefit from academic skills on specific themes;
  • Create analytic and thinking frames of reference owing to these skills, in order to pinpoint high-priority challenges linked to these themes;
  • Set up innovative solutions for the sector and launch an innovative dynamic within your business thanks to the frames of reference;
  • Broadcast your business by associating your name to leading research projects and sharing knowledge to a diverse public (students, companies, public actors…);
  • Improve your managers’ training thanks to the joint development and animation of courses between professors and professionals.

Become a research chair’s partner

A research chair fosters synergies between partner businesses and teacher-researchers on practical themes in line with businesses and society’s reality, in order to push forward the research about management science and practices.

A research chair is created at the behest of one or several patrons, when their demands and KEDGE’s educational and academic knowledge converge. Patron(s) and the chair’s professors define the focus of the research chair and build together a covenant for at least three years.

Objectives of a research and teaching chair

The research chair ensures the co-creation and dissemination of the knowledge stemming from the research project.

The objectives of a chair are threefold:

  • Fundamental research:
    • Understand and model practices, and locate them compared to already existing schools of thought and models;
    • Identify best practices and design models thanks to databases, fieldwork and data analysis;
    • Disseminate the research’s results via colloquiums, scientific publications…   
  • Applied research:
    • Contribute to the progress of business practices;
    • Deliver distributable and usable documents in the business;
    • Publish research studies, study reports, statements…
  • Education:
    • Broadcast the business practices during lectures;
    • Design learning modules based on the research studies;
    • Develop innovative education programmes, case studies…


To ensure a smooth operation, the research chair offers and sets up a pedagogical and scientific team, that might include PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

The chair’s activities are defined by a steering committee, comprised of the patron(s) representative(s), the chair holder, and KEDGE’s business relations team. It gathers at least twice a year to identify the chair’s objectives and assess its results based on the goals previously agreed upon.

A scientific committee, comprised of the chair holder and the researchers selected for the project, defines the research axes and safeguards the orientation of the chair’s activities.

The chair’s team must ensure the dissemination of the knowledge stemming from the research studies. It provides a yearly activity report, including budget monitoring. It is also in charge of the animation of seminars and meetings between the patron(s), teaching faculty and students.

Patrons and KEDGE Business School both refer to the other party as partner businesses and school in their communications, in order to highlight their collaboration.


The research chair can be funded by one or several patrons. Funding can be paid via instalments, with a minimal amount of 100K€ over three years. It covers:

  • The development and execution of the research programme;
  • The valorisation and dissemination of the results via conferences, meetings, academic and professional publications, and study reports;
  • The design and management of educational tools and the meetings between patrons and students;
  • A part of the chair’s team wages;
  • Day-to-day operation;
  • The administrative and logistic contributions from KEDGE Business School.

Tax deductions and benefits

Patronage laws allow for corporate tax deductions, amounting to 60% of the subventions given to a research chair.

In this respect, patrons become KEDGE Business School’s privileged partners and have first-hand access to the results of the chair’s research (that remains the intellectual property of the School). They also benefit from privileged contacts with the faculty and KEDGE Business School’s students through seminars or tailor-made meetings.

Discover our research chairs and projects

KEDGE’s professors work on numerous research areas. Discover their fields of expertise at the core of today’s business challenges.