KEDGE's Centre de Formation des Apprentis (CFA)

For many years, KEDGE has offered apprenticeship tracks to its students. Owing to the apprenticeship reform (Law of the 5th September 2018), we have been able to open our own Centre de Formation des Apprentis (apprenticeship formation centre) in April 2020.

logo CFA






More and more students are choosing work-study

By placing the Business at the core of its training programmes, KEDGE has developed an innovative and proactive pedagogy based on the development of real competencies, in line with the needs of the professional field.

Our apprenticeship tracks, from Bac+2 to Bac+6, allow our students to acquire theoretical knowledge while discovering a work position, in various fields such as finance, management, risks, acquisitions…

They are granted an employee status, developing their autonomy and accountability. Furthermore, KEDGE received the Qualiopi certification, which guarantees the high quality of the specialities taught at the School, as well as the efficiency of the recruitment, management, and supervision of the student-workers.


KEDGE CFA's missions

We put a strong emphasis on the guidance of the students/future apprentices and the businesses for the procedures prior and during the apprenticeship contract.

Our main missions are:

  • Helping our students to find an employer in accordance with their professional projects
  • Facilitating their business integration
  • Assessing the skills they acquired during their training programme
  • Supporting and guiding businesses and tutors on a day-to-day basis


Download files

KEDGE BS - CFA - Réglement Interieur

PDF 331.2 kB

Professionnalisation et satisfaction des alternants KEDGE BACHELOR et PGE

PDF 293.4 kB